10 Easy To Do Tips for Starting a Healthier Lifestyle

September 5, 2016

The summer months may be coming to a close but if you are anything like me, your goal of having the perfect “beach body” this summer kind went down the tubes after about a week. Don’t be too hard on yourself! If your latest attempt at healthier living got tossed out (along with all of that fresh Kale that you swore to yourself that you would eat) with Sunday’s trash, don’t feel like a failure! Living a healthier lifestyle takes time and effort to achieve and when you stop to really think about your current lifestyle, didn’t it take you years to establish your bad habits? So why would you expect to ditch those habits overnight? You can’t and you won’t, trust me. Personally, I’ve been jumping on and off of the healthy living bandwagon so many times that I’ve practically given myself mental shin splints!

So if you are serious about living a healthier lifestyle scan my short list of easy to do Health Tips and pick out a few that appeal to you. These minor changes can make a huge impact on your overall health and with some, you will be able to feel the benefits almost immediately! But, be sure to remember that your ultimate goal is to become healthier and that this isn’t a race to see how fast you can go. Take your time and know that the slow and steady way will ultimately lead you to find the right balance of healthy habits that will last a lifetime!

My Top Healthy Lifestyle Tips:

1. Drink more water-replace 1 of your normal drinks per day (soda, coffee, etc.) with an average bottle of water. Even this small addition can do wonders for your energy levels through increased hydration!

2. Take the stairs– try taking the stairs once or twice per week instead of your usual trip up the escalator or elevator at work. Every bit of exercise you can get does the body good!

3. Take a daily Vitamin-while some articles that I’ve read say that there is no scientific proof that taking a vitamin provides any health benefits, I’m a firm believer that taking one every day can ultimately do your body more good than harm. And with all of the gummy and flavored ones out there today, you really don’t have any good excuses not to!

4. Biotin Supplements– Biotin or Vitamin H is a part of the B complex of vitamins that help convert food in energy. It can be found in foods such as: egg yolks, salmon and dark, leafy greens. Excluding those who are Biotin deficient, taking a supplement might be able to strengthen nails, improve skin and lengthen hair. I have found that taking a Biotin supplement has improved my ordinarily flaky, brittle nails and made them stronger and less likely to break. Disclaimer: Always consult your doctor before taking any supplement and please do your own research about the benefits and potential side effects!

5. Get more sleep-try going to bed 30 mins to an hour earlier than you usually do and see if you notice an improvement in your mood and energy levels throughout the day.

6. Go Commando at Night-yes, I know that this tip is a bit strange but, ditching your underwear at night will increase the air flow to your bottom area and may decrease the likelihood of you developing vaginal infections, inflammation, yeast and overall skin irritation in those areas.

7. Wash your sheets-Again, this health related tip is a bit on the unusual side but, the benefits of washing your sheets (preferably on a weekly basis) can prevent oil, dead skin, dirt, grime and dust mites from building up over time which can lead to allergies, skin irritations, oily hair and acne.

8. Skip the extra Toppings -Cut a few Calories from your usual order at Starbucks-the next time you hit up your local Starbucks, order your usual drink but ask for it without whipped topping or the chocolate/caramel drizzles. Order a smaller size than your normal serving, try ordering the “skinny” or “light” version of your favorite drink or ask for the non-fat milk or less syrup to be added.

9. Meditation-you can find so many awesome guided meditation videos on Youtube these days and the iPhone App store has tons of Apps with built in timers, music and styles to help you decrease your stress levels. One of my all time favorite meditation apps is called “the insight timer” and is available at the App Store!

10. Exercise during commercials-Do a few jumping jacks or sit ups during tv commercials. You’d be surprised at how many crunches or jumping jacks you can actually do during those few minutes in between shows. It’s a great way to get in you daily 30 mins of required exercise!

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