Vintage Hair Care: 6 Ways to Clean Your Hair Without Shampoo

September 11, 2016

I am a very low hair maintenance chick. Basically, as long as my hair is clean and not looking like what my grandmother used to call “a rat’s nest,”  then I’m good. In fact, I tend to get pretty overwhelmed in the hair care product aisle. Row after row of pretty colored bottles, sprays, jars and tubes of great smelling concoctions that all claim to be able to do something different (and in some cases, miraculous) things to my baby fine textured locks. I never know exactly which item or even brand to choose, do you? There has to be an easier (and less anxiety inducing) way to get your hair cleaned and conditioned than this, right?

So instead of Google searching things such as: Best Haircare products of 2016 or Best shampoo for fine hair,” I decided to take a look into the haircare tips and tricks of the past. While the older methods didn’t come pre-made or in pretty colored packaging until much later, women have been using pretty similar methods in regards to haircare for centuries so I figured that I’d try out a few and see what happened!

Here’s What I found: Vintage-inspired alternatives to modern shampoo that actually work!

  • Washing your hair with a tablespoon of Baking soda and water-this is a uber cheap and easy way to create your own lather-like cleanser that will leave your hair and scalp feeling squeaky clean.
  • Rinsing with Beer-yes, Beer! The unique proteins found in Beer actually strengthen and repair damaged hair follicles. It can also make your hair much shinier as well! Mix room temperature beer with an equal amount of water and rinse. FYI, you can also add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to the mixture if you are worried about your hair smelling like a brewery.
  •  Using an Egg to Condition-Most women have heard of this one I’m sure. A raw egg conditions the hair due to the yolk being so rich in proteins and natural fats. For normal hair types, use an entire egg. If your hair is more oily, only use the egg white and only the yolk if your hair tends to be more dry and brittle. Coat your hair in egg, wait for 20 mins and wash out with cold water. Make sure it’s cold water so the egg doesn’t start to cook on your head!!
  •  For Blondes-Lemon Juice Rinse-the citric acid found in lemons is great for both blondes (it’s a natural hair lightener) and those with oily scalps. Lemon juice will remove buildup and oil while also making your hair look shinier and with more overall body! It’s good for relieving scalp itchiness, inflammation and flakes associated with dandruff and even eliminates frizz.
  • For Brunettes -Rosemary Rinse-Rosemary is definitely NOT something I ever thought about in regards to haircare but, a rosemary rinse is fantastic for ladies with darker tresses. This incredible herb is great at preventing hair loss and even darkens hair for an overall richer looking color! It’s antibacterial, which means it can combat even the itchiest of scalps and when you combine it with a bit of Thyme, your hair can become even more full bodied and lustrous!
  • Olive oil for extra conditioning and dry ends-Old Hollywood Actress Rita Hayworth was known for doing this particular beauty trick. She kept her luscious locks in tip top shape by washing her hair and then coating it in a thick layer of Olive Oil, wrapping her hair in a towel for 15 minutes and then rinsing it out with a combination of lemon juice and water to get it super clean. Almond oil is also a great choice while the modern and most popular equivalent today is Moroccan oil. 

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