Sweet Relief: There Is Now A Chocolate That May Ease Period Cramps

November 17, 2016

Your Period. The one week out of every month in which women across the world are universally reminded of their biological ability to create life. And, you would think that this would be a heartwarming or potentially bonding moment for all of us girls, right? Wrong. Instead, it is a week long, never-ending marathon, marked by the constant fear of bleeding on the back of your pants, mood swings that make even your mom want to avoid you for a week, cravings for anything sweet or fattening, fatigue, bloating and painful cramps. But, don’t go reaching for your Midol just yet ladies, because apparently there is a new brand of Chocolate that could ease your period pains while simultaneously relieving your “I would totally knock an old lady out of the way in the check out line” type of craving for the sweet stuff at the same time!

Swiss chocolate company, Chocolate with Love (headed by Marc Widmer) claims to have created the very first chocolate bar that can help ease the pain of menstrual cramps. Called Frauenmond or “women’s moon” when translated is made up of 60 percent Cocoa as well as 17 different herbs that originate in the Swiss mountains. The herbs combined with the natural boost of Serotonin levels in the brain from the chocolate itself are said to have a tremendously soothing affect on the body. The chocolate bar’s creator describes his creation as “reassuring, harmonizing, and the same time very delicious.” (Source: Cosmopolitan magazine)

So while it is true that a lot of women do crave chocolate during their periods do the fact that Serotonin levels drop during this time, it is highly unlikely that an expensive piece of candy could do any better than a Hershey bar and Ibuprofen. So when Mr. Monthly visitor makes his unwelcome appearance and your period symptoms are at their worst, grab whatever works for you. It may be a fancy Swiss chocolate bar made with soothing herbs or it may be an old fashioned heating pad, Netflix and a pint of ice-cream. Again, I say whatever helps get you through the pain and annoyance of your period is the always the right way to go.

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